Aquila Markets

  • February 2, 2023
  • admin
  • 1 min read

Aquila was a brand that we were proud to nurture and build from the ground up. We started with a series of discovery calls to help identity the requirements of the client. These sessions informed a comprehensive style guide to define the brand’s identity through values, tone of voice, logo usage, typography, a colour palette and image style. We then focused our attention on the website creation which started with a set of wireframe designs and a proposed sitemap. We created layered visuals that were developed into a fully functioning and responsive website.

Today, the website is accessed by traders worldwide who are keen to enhance their performance through Aquila’s financial market commentary. Chris simply uploads engaging content with ease, constantly adding value to members.  We cannot wait to see what’s next for Aquila Markets and are delighted to be on the journey with them.