brand bible Archives

  • February 2, 2023
  • admin
  • 3 min read

So, you have a brand new, shiny logo. You’ve chosen a font to compliment said logo. You’ve set your brand voice. You’ve nailed your colour palette. Good to go right? Not quite!

Now it’s time to bring it all together in the form of your brand bible. This can be in printed form or digital form, or better still, both. But it must consist of a clear and concise breakdown of how you want your brand elements to be used and NOT used.

Why do you need brand guidelines?

Brand Guidelines are essentially built as a rule book for anyone associated with using your brand; company wide employees, suppliers, clients, etc. They ensure that whoever has access to your brand elements is maintaining consistency in their usage with material that has previously been produced.

They are generally created after you have established a logo, chosen fonts, a colour palette, brand voice and any other brand elements that you deem necessary to ensure everybody plays by the rules. They also establish how the different elements of your brand work together to form your brand identity.

Without these guidelines, it’s nearly impossible to keep your branding consistent and with inconsistency, you can’t establish an identity. But with a consistent brand, comes power and recognition as your consumers can easily identify who you are. Strong and consistent branding helps clarify what your business stands for, allowing you to communicate your purpose, your personality, and your promises. This, in turn helps to give consumers confidence in you brand.

What do brand guidelines consist of?

As every brand is unique, the elements included in your brand guidelines will appear different to another brand’s guidelines. In one industry, the set brand voice will be more stringent whereas in another, it maybe the usage of colour. However, whatever the priority, there are essential elements which should always be present:

  1. The different versions of your logo design and how they are to be used.
  2. The colour palette that your brand uses.
  3. The different typography associated with your brand including the various typefaces and families.

Considerations for guidelines

Who are the guidelines for?

Keep it simple

Design the guidelines in your brand style

Show clear examples of your brand in use

Demonstrate consistency

Keep track of where your brand is used

Make your materials available

Educate your staff

Introduce a sign-off process

Review your guidelines regularly

If you’re ready to create your brand identity guidelines, then you need a strategic marketing team to help you define your brand’s elements and the best uses for them.
Contact Creative Fire for more information. on how we can generate an effective, powerful and engaging brand for you.