good brand Archives

  • February 2, 2023
  • admin
  • 5 min read

Effective marketing for your business is essential in order for you to make it succeed. At the heart of it should be your brand; without one, it will struggle to compete and reach its full potential. Why is this? Well, for a business to meet the requirements of its clients, it is critical that you fully identify and understand their needs. The seedling of your brand will be your logo but to fully realise the identity of your business, you have to go far beyond this.
By incorporating all aspects of your business into your brand, you are providing your customers with an experience.

The key benefits of having brand power

• promotes recognition

• sets you apart from the competition

• tells people about your business DNA

• generates referrals

• helps customers to know what to expect

• represents you and your promise to your customer

• helps you create clarity and stay focused

• helps you connect with your customers emotionally

• provides your business value

• helps you build trust

• can boost employee pride and satisfaction

• can help to build trust in your marketplace

• supports your advertising efforts

• it is the best strategy to attract top quality talent

A successful brand will use a unique set of values to help drive a successful business strategy. We call these ‘The 10 commandments for effective branding’. The consideration of all 10 are crucial if you are going to convince consumers to choose your brand over your competitors. But with the correct measure, over time they will develop a trusting relationship with you are what your product has to offer.

The 10 commandments for effective branding

Unify: Branding links your name, logo, online presence, product/service and appeal to the masses. Ensuring that all of it is consistent is key. Not only will it brings a united and clear message to your customers but it will also demonstrate how methodical and concise your services are.

Value: A brand is an asset. What you present to the public is a vast amount of your business. It holds just as much value as revenue and sales. A lot is at stake; finances, creativity and time is on the line. Branding will make the difference between revenue and debt.

Attract: A brand counts for nothing unless it persuades potential clients to work with you in the first place. Everything from the visual appeal of your logo to the experience you provide them throughout your brand is vital. If the message is effective and sufficient to attract them in, it can make all the difference to your business revenue.

Deliver: Branding is a proclamation. You hereby state that you will deliver on your promises and claims the company makes. Everything the company stands for should be spread throughout the organisation too. Otherwise the company will be disconnected and customers will be confused and grow distant. If you are not willing to make promises you can’t keep, don’t state it on your brand.

Honesty: Branding gives companies a chance to let customers see the business for who we really are. This is the chance to be honest and open about what this company represents. The look, feel and message conveyed will separate you from the pack.

Preference: People are more attached to companies with a brand than companies that doesn’t. Brands create a bond filled with good memories and good times, and customers will never forget it. That connection can’t be strategised; it just happens.

Loyalty: A good branding will create customer loyalty. Loyal customers will continue to support you in good and bad times. They will spread a positive message to people they know. Their influence will introduce new people to your company.

Trust: As customers get to know your business they will begin to trust you. In order to build trust you must give customers a reason to test you out.

The branding must be spot on as the first customers will determine how many more (or less) you will receive. Exceptional customer service, experience with the product/services and positive online communication on social networks will keep them coming back for more.

Extend: Branding can reach so many people in so many outlets. It reaches people offline, online, mobile and niche markets. It reaches the many products and services you currently sell and plan to sell in the future.

Protect: Branding protects you from competitors who want your success. Without it they will have no problem making copycats of what made you popular and claim it for themselves. They can carry the same or similar products but they won’t be able to take your style and originality away.

In order to maintain this fulfilment of trust, you must ensure that you keep on top of your reputation by meeting your clients’ expectations. So, regularly reviewing your brand identity and ensuring it continues to run parallel to the product or service that you offer is essential.