
  • May 14, 2021
  • admin
  • 1 min read

Once we had sign-off on the new brand, we created brand guidelines, including style guides, brand aspirations and tone of voice.

Having this in-depth understanding and input into the brand, made our job of creating an engaging, bold, yet simplified website easier. We had a tight timescale to create the first stage of the INSTANDA website – 6 weeks to be precise. This included customer journey mapping, exploring different design concepts, wireframing, content creation and website development.

We’re delighted to say that we not only reached the deadline, we exceeded all expectations. We have since created a US version of the website and are constantly evolving elements at the request of INSTANDA’s marketing manager.

In a way, we act as brand custodians for INSTANDA – we create all their marketing materials from events graphics through to whitepapers, videos and more, working collaboratively with other partners to create a truly powerful brand experience.