Waddington Brown

  • March 10, 2023
  • admin
  • 2 min read

There’s nothing more exciting for us to hear that a brand wants a fresh, modern brand. We couldn’t wait to get started, but first we needed to gain an in-depth insight into the psyche of Waddington Brown to understand the brand motivations, intent, and impact. We held an on-site brand workshop where we explored the existing brand personality and values so that we could be sure what we were to create would be informed and based on a true emotional connection.

This is where the brand strapline of Placing HR First was born. Waddington Brown places HR professionals, but it is also helping to redefine the role of HR within the business landscape.

At the brand workshop, we presented a creative mood board of ideas and discussed the introduction of gradient colours. This initial concept was met with great enthusiasm and was a stark contrast to the original dark blue and white.

The bright blue, mauve and orange represent each of Waddington Brown’s core services. Likewise, the three ticks that were featured in the old brand, are now cleverly feature within the W of Waddington Brown.

The colours are deliberately gradient rather than solid blocks to emphasise Waddington Brown’s depth and multi-faceted approach to business.

Once the brand was decided, we then worked directly with Waddington Brown’s Internal Communications and Engagement Specialist, Nina Metson, on the launch of their new website.